give a sister her phone yo!
ok so i've been here in my new place of residency for approximately 7 hours and random people have been popping into my cube to ask why i'm inconveniencing their lives by not having a working telephone in my humble abode. to that i respond "beats the crap out of me." maybe they should really be asking our admin because i'm no phone connecting guru. but it does feel nice to be loved even if it's by my colleagues who are trying to squeeze work...ehem..."favors" out of me =)
ok so for those of you who know me and d and have been inside our whacky little world, you can understand the gruesome pain that we've endured today with our lack of ability to communicate every 5 minutes except by aim. sheesh...if for nothing else, you'd think that they'd hook a sister up so that i can spend 50% of my day talking about nonsensical things with my special friend.
ok so for those of you who know me and d and have been inside our whacky little world, you can understand the gruesome pain that we've endured today with our lack of ability to communicate every 5 minutes except by aim. sheesh...if for nothing else, you'd think that they'd hook a sister up so that i can spend 50% of my day talking about nonsensical things with my special friend.
wait, i thought you spent 50% of the day talking to me!?!?!?! who is this special friend you speak of?
dwayne, at 2:44 PM
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