farewell y'all!!
it's been a crazy journey here at zen, but i have to say that i'm definitely leaving with great feelings and friendships! this has definitely been an amazing experience for me and quite frankly, has flown by with such incredible force!
for the next few days i'll be hitting the road and perhaps the bottle after the three littles ones are through with me hahaha. i have the pleasure of baby-sitting my three joys: christian, kayla, and baby jordan for the next several days. during this time i fully expect bmoney, sonjay and jonesy to keep my man occupied with any of the following activities:
1 - beer drinking
2 - online poker playing...oh hell, how about live poker playing?
3 - food munching
4 - bungee jumping
5 - bar crawling...
ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
friend, i am going to miss you so ridiculously much! i love u so much and am sad to say bye bye, but i'll be back before you know it!! until then...MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!
for the next few days i'll be hitting the road and perhaps the bottle after the three littles ones are through with me hahaha. i have the pleasure of baby-sitting my three joys: christian, kayla, and baby jordan for the next several days. during this time i fully expect bmoney, sonjay and jonesy to keep my man occupied with any of the following activities:
1 - beer drinking
2 - online poker playing...oh hell, how about live poker playing?
3 - food munching
4 - bungee jumping
5 - bar crawling...
ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
friend, i am going to miss you so ridiculously much! i love u so much and am sad to say bye bye, but i'll be back before you know it!! until then...MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!
well last time you left me alone for more than 24 hours, i consumed 10 7-11 hotdogs, a case of diet coke, 2 chipotle burritos and about 36 Bud Light bottles. I almost lost a finger while working in the garage, and left the blood behind so i could get some sympathy.
being a big tough hairy (and motorcycle ridin) man, this is hard to say...but i really need you baby. i must have been a bumbling directionless mess before you came into my life and shaped me up. thanks!!!!!!!!!
i'm so proud of you for your new job...yet another audience for you to knock dead. you're so talented and amazing at what you do friend.
oh well, i had better get back to work...so i can go home, lay on the couch, bleed, drink beers and eat processed meat snacks...errr, i mean clean.
hahaha LOVE YOU BABY! see you saturday!!!
dwayne, at 12:13 PM
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