hairy pooper??? about that! that would be harry potter! so jecheema has sent out an email inviting interested hp fanatics to the midnight screening (11/18 - which would technically be late thursday night, early friday morning) of hp4. i am excited although i haven't seen all of 2 or 3! i'm going to have to bundle up on jechee's couch with the cannoli shell, peach schnapps and hp dvds to get to where the rest of the world has been for quite some time. curse you school!
my tivo looks like something out of an 80 year old grandmother's boob tube. i have 30 or more episodes of the "young and the restless" and "the bold and the beautiful" saved until God knows when. my baby thinks i'm a 90 year old trapped in a...ehem...XX year old's body...tucker not a word out of you!
my tivo looks like something out of an 80 year old grandmother's boob tube. i have 30 or more episodes of the "young and the restless" and "the bold and the beautiful" saved until God knows when. my baby thinks i'm a 90 year old trapped in a...ehem...XX year old's body...tucker not a word out of you!
our tivo is out of control...i just hate being 4 weeks behind in LOST.
oh and if you throw in the cannoli shell and schnapps, you'll never make it through those boring juvenile movies. alcohol and blankets = chlorophorm in your world.
dwayne, at 4:04 PM
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