Tuesday, November 15, 2005

woah is me...

0 hours of sleep, studying my butt off, chingoo having queen bee complex and bbopshee trying to assert dominance on chingoo...well more like her belly since it's the only thing she can reach...this has been my last 3 days.


  • woah is you..i can't believe how busy you've been. i'm getting better with the late night dog sitting...we had a good system last night. she'd sleep on my chest for about 2 hrs, then wake up..pee and go back to sleep. i put her in the crate thinking she would sleep and cry when se was awake...apparently she cried after pooping. yes that was my 330am activity.

    my point is...thank you so much babe for always doing these things, i really do appreciate you :)

    By Blogger dwayne, at 9:51 AM  

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