kaprow strikes again - are you kidding me?
so as you all know, my last tango with kaprow was anything less than extraordinary. in fact, i believe my last words were "thai hot" before tucker and i went head to head, battling our bellies into a 24 hour, very painful abyss. you would think after such a violent engagement i would have learned my lesson...YOU WOULD THINK. no no, because yesterday after consuming a vast amount of kaprow chicken, i awoke at 5am with such wicked pains in my stomach that d's last words were "do you need immodium?"
let's just be honest here. there is NOTHING in the world like thai food. in fact, d and i do a little dance of joy (no shoes) everytime a new place opens in our hood, with the hope that their phad thai will be "spot on." but now i must digress. it's not for the faint of heart. if you are a newcomer, this food will tear you up something fierce if you are unsupervised.
take this as my warning to all who may love thai. if a cuisine gives you "levels" from which to choose in degrees of spiciness, do not select level "thai hot." if the name of the cuisine is being used to represent the pinnacle of spiciness, you should take that as an indication that it might not be your best option.
let's just be honest here. there is NOTHING in the world like thai food. in fact, d and i do a little dance of joy (no shoes) everytime a new place opens in our hood, with the hope that their phad thai will be "spot on." but now i must digress. it's not for the faint of heart. if you are a newcomer, this food will tear you up something fierce if you are unsupervised.
take this as my warning to all who may love thai. if a cuisine gives you "levels" from which to choose in degrees of spiciness, do not select level "thai hot." if the name of the cuisine is being used to represent the pinnacle of spiciness, you should take that as an indication that it might not be your best option.
The trick with Kaprow (or Ka POW depending on where you order it) is to keep eating until anything in your body that can register spicy-ness is burned up.
No one knows that lesson better then Alex D. who upon eating his first bite of Kaprow starts sweating like he just ran 2 miles.
Tucker, at 11:32 AM
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dwayne, at 11:44 AM
OMG friend!!! I was so worried about you this morning...even in my Vicodin haze I knew something was awry! You need to stay away from that evil devil dish!!! so sorry you are sick boo!!!!! love you!
dwayne, at 12:31 PM
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