she's back!!
good morning all! it's SO GREAT to be back! mind you, i had an incredibly relaxing time (cleaning poop, running around like a crazed lunatic and entertaining an 18 month old boy with an average bedtime of 3am) but it's great to be back to my reality!
so the trip was amazing! i feel so incredibly blessed and am just so thankful that i had the chance to spend so much QT with my niece and nephew! it was such an awesome trip, check out some choice pics!

AHHHH! i just love them so much!!!!
i do have to admit, seeing the R pull up to union station was also an incredible experience. seeing my baby for the first time in one week was like biting into a creamy cheesecake, unforgettable and delectable all at once! he is my best friend, my hubby, and my buddy all in one! being apart sucked big time, but the feelings that overcame me when we reunited definitely made it well worth the wait!!
so the trip was amazing! i feel so incredibly blessed and am just so thankful that i had the chance to spend so much QT with my niece and nephew! it was such an awesome trip, check out some choice pics!

AHHHH! i just love them so much!!!!
i do have to admit, seeing the R pull up to union station was also an incredible experience. seeing my baby for the first time in one week was like biting into a creamy cheesecake, unforgettable and delectable all at once! he is my best friend, my hubby, and my buddy all in one! being apart sucked big time, but the feelings that overcame me when we reunited definitely made it well worth the wait!!
woman! you know better than to speak of the R without including a picture:
click here (dumb comments won't allow img tagsthat being said....i'm glad your back too, i was a frikkin mess with out you, i drank too much, didn't eat enough and could barely get out of bed in the morning..may have been the lack of food and abundance of beer, who knows. hahahaha, baby, seriously our house isn't a home without the world's best cheesy!!!
dwayne, at 11:53 AM
baby, you are the love of my life!!! i missed you and love u and wouldn't be the wife that i am without you!!! muah muah!!!
baby bee, at 9:36 AM
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