Wednesday, March 02, 2005

and i'll take a little delirium with that coffee...

ok...for all of you who know me, it seems that i have this inexhaustible energy except of course when i'm faced with jessi's cannoli shell...but today i have to say, i'm wiped the F*@# out. i stayed up last night creating 4 new website mockups and honestly, i don't know my ass from my head. i had to ask myself when i got in if i took a shower this morning. with that being said my day has been shaping up nicely. see for yourselves:

1 - yelped at least once on the toll road this morning while in the hov lane - not driving btw - and startling my very patient husband who was at the helm.

2 - walked into my office, went to my old cube and proceeded to put my stuff into someone else's desk all the while thinking...something is weird about this situation, but i can't seem to stop...

3 - asked a pregnant woman in her 5th month if she's due in a few weeks. was thrown off by the "few" baby pounds she's put on.

4 - had a meeting with my ceo and deputy ceo and said "umm, like, for sure, um...." throughout my website mockup meeting. yes.

these are all very memorable lisa moments