broken friend =(
so i just read the news of my chingoo's pending surgery. i'm sorry buddy, but we'd rather have you around missing organs than not around at all, so we'll be by your hospital room with plenty of tlc. d in particular...he'll be there with smooches and hugs, tight, just the way you like it =) heehee
hahaha it's so funny that you said chingoo...meaning friend, i thought you meant our puppy. did you forget about her? she's getting her snapper sewed shut today!
dwayne, at 11:36 AM
Thanks much reesa. I'm sure d will love to help me put my gown on before I head into surgery..
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM
just remember, you tie the gown in the front, not the back...and no drawers.
dwayne, at 9:43 AM
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