ok but seriously...i know you are all laughing and i do fit the stereotype (most of the time) but today, today was different!
i was pulling out of the small secluded road behind my neighborhood to turn onto waxpool road. i stopped at the stop sign like a good driver should. i took my turn and start pulling out (right of way freak!!) and the next thing you know, this big bastard of a man rolled through his stop sign on the main strip, nearly plowed into my car and then layed on his horn and started flailing his arms, giving me the finger as though he was in the right! i saw him pull up to the stop sign, roll through and roll out. i was so angered by this and i don't know if it was just repressed anger or displaced anger or what, but the sight of this man throwing his violent arms and fingers in the air, tailing me for God knows what reason then pulling up to my side to get in my face...i have to say, it just tipped me over the edge!!! now for anyone who knows me, i'm usually a pretty nice gal, but not today baby hahahah not today!!!
so the man pulls up next to me and what comes out of his mouth??? OF COURSE....the "C" word...there are two bad ones...i'm asian, so i think you can figure it out. or maybe it was my imagination because, as i mentioned, i had a lot of things going on in this brain of mine. i was late for work, needing to get my ass to where i needed to be and now this. it was just one of those mornings i suppose, and i might have been better behaved, but i do know this...i cursed him off with a big "EFF YOU!!" i even rolled down my window for a better effect. i know this is uncharacteristic of me (and baby, i apologize for putting myself in danger) but i was trippin and he put me in a bad bad place. this deranged man then continued on with his tirade and proceeded to made a left turn.
what i don't get is this...why ruin someone's morning over a damned stop sign?? is it worth the hassle? must there be racial poo slinging and the arousal of bad feelings? my stomach is still turning and my legs feel like jello. and to this i say...if you ever see an asian woman taking her right of way, cut her some slack. we're not always the worst drivers on the road.
...and have a great morning...
i was pulling out of the small secluded road behind my neighborhood to turn onto waxpool road. i stopped at the stop sign like a good driver should. i took my turn and start pulling out (right of way freak!!) and the next thing you know, this big bastard of a man rolled through his stop sign on the main strip, nearly plowed into my car and then layed on his horn and started flailing his arms, giving me the finger as though he was in the right! i saw him pull up to the stop sign, roll through and roll out. i was so angered by this and i don't know if it was just repressed anger or displaced anger or what, but the sight of this man throwing his violent arms and fingers in the air, tailing me for God knows what reason then pulling up to my side to get in my face...i have to say, it just tipped me over the edge!!! now for anyone who knows me, i'm usually a pretty nice gal, but not today baby hahahah not today!!!
so the man pulls up next to me and what comes out of his mouth??? OF COURSE....the "C" word...there are two bad ones...i'm asian, so i think you can figure it out. or maybe it was my imagination because, as i mentioned, i had a lot of things going on in this brain of mine. i was late for work, needing to get my ass to where i needed to be and now this. it was just one of those mornings i suppose, and i might have been better behaved, but i do know this...i cursed him off with a big "EFF YOU!!" i even rolled down my window for a better effect. i know this is uncharacteristic of me (and baby, i apologize for putting myself in danger) but i was trippin and he put me in a bad bad place. this deranged man then continued on with his tirade and proceeded to made a left turn.
what i don't get is this...why ruin someone's morning over a damned stop sign?? is it worth the hassle? must there be racial poo slinging and the arousal of bad feelings? my stomach is still turning and my legs feel like jello. and to this i say...if you ever see an asian woman taking her right of way, cut her some slack. we're not always the worst drivers on the road.
...and have a great morning...
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Anonymous, at 11:25 AM
hahahah!! LOL!!!
baby bee, at 1:35 PM
baby, you're a great's that damned intersection. none of the idiot ashburn drivers stop to look that way. i mean shit, it's ONLY a 4 way stop sign. i would have flipped out too.
dwayne, at 1:51 PM
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