Tuesday, June 21, 2005

hooray!!!! i'm gon git me sum ess 2-nite!

he's back in one piece!! my little trooper battled through the halls of o'hare, got his ass on the plane and into dulles at noon! he was unshaven, smelly and oily, but as gorgeous as ever! we are corny as hellllll!!! tucker, this would be prime time to throw paper wads and lavish him with your insults of his metro-ness!

i'm just so glad that you're home baby! i missed you so much!!

where the hell you at?

foreshadowing at it's finest i tell you...

my friend left on thursday for blessed vegas only to find himself in his hotel room sans luggage, toiletries and fresh underwear. i woke his ass up on friday to hear him reveal the terrible news and of course, he couldn't resist giving me a proper phone conversation ending by telling me that he was under the bedsheets buck naked, wearing nothing but his dirty skivvies (as if to turn me on).

fighting the signs of foreshadowing...

saturday rolled around and i received a disturbing phone call. it went something like this..."i'm down baby! i'm down! i need to hit the atm!" followed by another phone call "i'm up baby, i'm up!" only to conclude with the following phone call "fuck vegas. i'm done. i'm down baby, i'm down. OH and drunk. love u."

sunday came and went with a day of keno, 70 year old vixens and hough getting his faced slapped by a very drunk beav trying to give a high five. nothing sexier than two pasties slapping each other and a 70 year old onlooker. i thought that the day went pretty smoothly, squashing my thoughts of foreshadowing...until...

last night i put on my pretty shirt and made a pot of coffee while i eagerly waited for my friend's flight to come in at midnight. then it happened...i received the dreaded call. d's connecting flight took off and left him for dead at the o'hare airport to fend for himself with no beer in sight. a sad state of affairs it was. there were no other flights leaving that evening, with the next flight leaving at 5am. after the shuttle service decided to stop running passengers to their respective hotels, he shacked up at the local days inn with no working cell phone and no beer. he finally booked his flight for 9am this morning, weary and dazed from his "vacation" whining that he just wanted to be home with him lumjee.

so off i go at noon to pick him up, take him home and help wipe off his poor little war wounds. as a lesson to you all, if ever you're in vegas sans clean undies, get your ass on the next flight home =)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

bye bye vegas birdie =(

my friend is leaving for sin city this thursday and call me crazy, but i will miss him like nobody's business!!! life without d, even if just for 5 days, is like living hell! i guess this naked backpack will have to rough it alone until monday night! i have chingoo duty from now until he returns and i can only imagine her surprise and delight when she sees him get off that plane. as soon as he takes off his shoes and she catches a whiff of his aromatic feet, she will be a-lickin the jam off of his toes for days to come. i can't wait until you're back here with me friend... =)

bat caves under me eyes!!!

midnight premiere with the jts, fwank and big dave!! eyes are buggin!!!

sexiest 6' 2" man in black tights, a cape and horned helmet i've ever seen. i expected an entirely different movie and don't think that i appreciated it when i walked out of the theater, but for some reason it has continued to linger in my thoughts throughout the day. maybe i was disappointed because i expected a typical superhero movie and what i got was actual dialogue, great acting and strong character development. maybe i was taken aback by the fact that this movie, for once, focused solely on the main character, his life and tormented soul while totally neglecting to build the entire script around his budding romance with NE woman, katie holmes. oddly enough in this particular movie, the romance was secondary, i'd go as far as to say tertiary when compared to other facets of the storyline. michael caine was a PERFECT alfred, and christian bale, well...i don't think i need to elaborate women....but if my friend is reading this, all i have to say is...YOU KNOW YOU'RE HOTTER.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

secret surprise with the the indigo girls!!!!

ok, so as y'all know, i have the most incredible special friend. as much as he acts like he's a manly man...ehem...we all know he's a little girl in panties for me!!

so last night, he took me to wolftrap and surprised me with the best show on mother earth!! the INDIGO GIRLS!!! a show that i've wanted to see since my freshman year of college! a show that i know he wouldn't be caught dead at...not in a million years unless he was truly just going for me. the next thing you know, as we're walking into the filene center, front opera section center stage, he hands me my ticket and written in big bold black ink was "INDIGO GIRLS." of course i immediately start bawling, completely overwhelmed and amazed. so my friends, there you have it...last night, dwayne became a woman! hahaha we had such a blast! from their opening performance to their closing act - an oldie, "galileo" - i was blown away!!! d held on and for that his evenings for the next several months will be filled with lots of....um...parchesi...yeah, that's it!

now onto the show: amy ray was absolutely incredible! right on point with her deep vocals and versatile guitar skills. she got on that harmonica and played her ass off! emily sailers unearthed an incredible piano ballad that completely blew me away!!! i was in tears!!! i have to say, all in all it was one of the most incredible shows i've ever seen in my life and made for one of the absolute best nights of my life!

friend! you are such an incredible, amazing person!!! any vw show from here to china, you can count me in! i love u!